Each session has a maximum number of cards allowed per game. Funds can be used to buy extra cards on your hand-held unit. Extra cards or funds for electronic hand-held units may be purchased at the bingo sales counter prior to the session. Guests can purchase extra cards for jackpot games in two places. You can find out the current bingo jackpot numbers and prizes by clicking here or by calling our bingo hotline at 95
Jackpots can range anywhere from a few hundred dollars up to $150,000. Bingo Jackpotsīingo sessions offer a wide variety of jackpots with different ways to win them. The Intro player would receive $38 ($150/4, rounded up), the Level 1 player would receive $75 ($300/4), the Level 2 player would receive $150 ($600/4), and the Level 3 player would receive $250. For example, say during an evening session a game finishes with four winners-with one winner at each level. Payouts are split according to the prize level divided by the total number of bingos. Most regular session bingo games have payouts based on what package (Level 1, 2, 3, or Intro) is purchased.
MORE INFORMATION Understanding Regular Game Payouts